...captain agreed that there are issues and suggested I work on them..
The way I read that convo, it was more like Captain was challenging you to prove your assertion by presenting a solution, rather than agreeing that there was a problem in the first place. This is a common tactic of his and one that usually shuts the complainer up. You being a notable exception, of course.
I talk shit about a lot of people because internet. That said, I've only banned one person - versus the >50 by S&M - so it's a bit early to be calling me a hypocrite. Pretty much everyone except Sajo8 was happy to see you go, and Saj08 seemed more concern this was a return to the evil S&M days. But I haven't broken out the ball gag and whip just yet.
I still call hypocrite..
Wow.. Mojo calling you guys hypocrites.. That's a new low even for you
You're on mojo's side, new low for you.