FUD = AD + NT + NAeP + CPiT + URP +
FUD: Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
AD: Anonymous Developer
NT: Non-Transparency (e.g. unlocked pre-mined wallet / secretly transferring out the pre-mined balance)
NAeP: Not addressing existing Problem correctly (e.g. uncontrolled block/side-block generation, coin emission is not as per whitepaper.)
CPiT: Communication problem among team member (e.g. key team member(s) suddenly left)
URP: Unreleased Product
NSC: No Source Code Released
PoR: Personal Level of Risk-Tolerance
I think it's logical and normal to have some FUD in this project. Once all components are removed, the FUD will be gone by itself.
Currently buying Dero is like gambling with your money. If you can't afford to lose your money, please stay away and watch. Otherwise, let's FOMO, cross our finger and support the development team so that they can deliver the new crypto tech.
@yss105 Can you add NBS + NF + OD fields in your formula. It will add more weight and credibility to your formula esle you are also spreading fudd.
NBS: New Blockchain from scratch , yeah Dero has written new blockchain from scratch.
NF: Not Fork , Yeah Dero is not fork. Its original. How many coins you see which are not forks.
OD: Original Developers. Yeah Dero have original developers and maintainers.
Have Fun, you cannot stop Dero.
Good points. But your additional components are actually good factors that create FOMO instead of adding more FUD
FOMO: Fear of Missing Out
If FOMO > FUD then [People will buy and price will go up]
If FOMO < FUD then [People will sell and price will go down]
If FOMO = FUD ---->>>> Stagnant.
I am not trying to stop Dero. I support Dero. But if I can contribute to make/push it to be more open/transparent it'll be better for the community as a whole.