TASKWrite an article about DMD Diamond in English for publication on
CRITERIA1. The article must be written in clear and comprehensible English, thus the person who applies for the task need to have very good knowledge in the English language.
2. The article must be objective and follow the terms of use on Wikipedia.org.
3. It is highly desirable that the article is written in such a way that a person without crypto experience can understand the article. After having read the article, a non crypto experienced person should have enough knowledge to find and seek help in DMD forums, set up a DMD wallet and buy DMD at an exchange.
4. The article shall make awareness of the DMD brand and logo. When referring to the coin/brand, the name DMD Diamond or DMD shall be used. DMD Diamond logos to be used can be found at
5. The article shall be read and commented by me, hallared, and DMD Foundation before published on Wikipedia.
The above five criteria must be accepted and fulfilled by the person who apply for the task and by fulfilling the criteria the person can claim the Private Reactor Address as reward for the article work.
If you are interested in doing this task, reply in this thread or send me a PM.During article writing I offer my assistance if you would like to discuss something. Below are guidelines, they are to be considered as help and as what could be suitable to include in the article. You may treat the guidelines in a personal manner and add or reject topics, as long as the five criteria stated above are fulfilled.
Guidelines for contentDMD Diamond a cryptocurrency.Explain what a cryptocurrency is, differences to fiat etc
A short history of DMD Diamond Milestones, anniversaries, articles about DMD
The purpose of DMD DiamondUtilities, visions, goals, roadmap.
perhaps Cryptonit or Popshot could help a bit with this content.
Coin roll-out planDescribe coin roll-out plan, total amount of coins, timeframe etc.
How DMD are created-blockchain
Explain what a blockchain is, i.e. how it is secured, how it is maintained, public ledger, block explorer and so on.
Explain DMDs PoW, i.e. algorithm Groestl, generation block time, transaction confirmation time etc.
Explain DMD PoS, i.e. minting via coins in wallet, 25% interest per year, how pos works, coinage and so on.
How to obtain DMDUse a windows environment when doing all the explanations below.
Describe how to set up a wallet and explain the relationship between the DMD wallet and the blockchain, i.e. the coins are kept in the blockchain and the wallet gives access to the coins.
Explain how to obtain DMD on an exchange. This might require a short guide on how to obtain bitcoins, since you need bitcoins to be able to buy DMD at the moment.
Explain how to PoS DMD in the wallet.
Explain how to mine DMD.
-DMD Multipool and Cloudmining
Explain how to obtain DMD via Multipool/Cloudmining.
When writing about the Cloudmining, remember that the Cloudmining project is run by Helmut Siedl as a private person and not by DMD Foundation.
DMD SecurityExplain how DMD is secured by PoW/PoS, DMD Reactor and other measures.
Unique Crypto Assets (UCA), Legendary 10, Private Reactor Addresses.Explain what they are and the purpose of them.
DMD FoundationThe role of and members of DMD Foundation.
perhaps Cryptonit or Popshot could help a bit with this content.ReferencesDon’t forget citing sources, they are important for the reliability. Wikipedia guidelines for citing sources can be found here
PublishingWhen the article is ready for publishing a main stand-alone DMD article shall be created and an entry shall be made in the List of cryptocurrencies
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptocurrencies on Wikipedia.
RewardThe reward for writing the article and publishing it on Wikipedia is, as Cryptonit has stated, a Boosted Private Reactor Address able to hold 1000 DMD with double stakerate for 1 year. The address will be filled with some DMD, the amount is yet to be decided.
i understand create a video that we can use and suit our brand is lot effort
i understand create a wikipedia entry is also lot work special if u should also maintain it
so i offer to also to help fill that both keys (how much of the 1000 DMD is tbd once we get serious offers from people to do that job)
Sorry for my absence - haven't forgotten about this project & I will begin working on a rough draft in the morning (3AM here, need to sleep...getting delirious).
I will PM you as well, just to catch up....once I get a few cups of coffee in me