A way to increase the # of addresses in the diamond.conf
Is it possible to use a free service like http://www.noip.com ,
Basically your guys that leave their wallets on alot , but don't have static ips ,
Could setup a free service with noip.com that gives them a free hostname,
It places a piece of software on their PC that updates the redirection from the host name to whatever their current ip address is.
So you would place the hostname in the diamond.conf instead of the IP address for users that don't have a static ip , but want to help the diamond network and leave their systems on alot.
since no diamond.conf is needed
u will at startup get feeded with a lot active wallet addresses in network by our seednodes
which are basical the same nodes as we suggested as entries in diamond.conf before
that was another step forward for make use a DMD Diamond wallet easy for new people