Maybe I am just noob, but I am not getting anything.
I got the new wallet setup in Feb and moved all 56 of my diamonds into it. The wallet has been online almost continuously since Feb 8
The icon in the lower right says:
Your weight is 1694
Network weight is 2483052
Expected reward is in 10 day(s)
It always says reward in 7 or 10 days, but no reward ever shows up.
What am I missing?
Don't quote me but it might be the number of DMD's you are holding just can't compete against the others? I am not sure though. I can tell you my wallet works everyday.
Yeah, staking works on weight, and competition is fierce. 56 coins really isn't alot. You're probably going to want a block bigger than 100. Once you get some more coins, you can go into Options > Display and check "Display coin control features". That way, you can combine your blocks when you click on Inputs in the Send Coins tab and get a better weight. You should get a stake about once a month though. Maybe a bit longer for 56 coins. For any POS coins, the "estimated time to reward" is a very rough estimation. Don't get discouraged if the coins don't stake within the time frame stated. DMDs POS is a bit different than other coins too. It's not required for you to have your wallet open to generate rewards (according to Cryptonit, from the following link)...
You can check out this thread in the DMD forums, alot is explained on minting here:,46.0.html
Damn, Pokytex - you stake every day? Sigh, I really chose the wrong line of work - haha. Musician for sale!
Hehe - I have been mining/purchasing Diamond a long time. Eventually if you hold and keep increasing your position you will also mint everyday. Never give up and never put in more than you can afford to lose.