Try sending to yourself and then examine coin-control inputs list mode...
split coins over a lot addresses on same wallet is reducing POS efficency and group stake that merge old small coin pile
POS works seperatly for each wallet address
so people who have lot small coin amount wallet addresses consider to merge them together
I try to keep it to 2 addresses (main and change) and keep piles large
waste of time POS breaks big piles into little piles.
perhaps if u actually read thread a bit more carefully and not take out of context
For those of you with staking problems, remember a huge amount of tiny coin piles is not a good thing, consolidate them into piles of 100 or more for easier staking ... I stake 2-3 times a week with large coin piles, and after a successful staking I combine the new split piles while low coin age (0). easily done with coin control and xfer to another wallet.