I have to say I was quite shocked when you told me the daily budget of the DMD foundation is 70 DMD. Therefore, I strongly believe you should create a company and charge us 5% fee on all your pools and services. This may permit you to hire a paid team to work on DMD to ensure long-term viabilty, security and growth.
i think 5% is to much
but how about 3%
as the dmd cloudmining contract state at the moment that we guarantee
never more than to 3% of total shares are bonus shares
now nearly the whole 3% of bonus shares are split as bonus shares between the investor as referral bonus (for investor and referrer)
we could future created bonus shares use to power the company
question is a referral program needed to reach new dmd cloudmining investors
if yes how we can power it if we dont have any bonus shares to offer any longer?
if there people in community who want to help than marketing and salesmen skillset would be very valuable
our core team is 100% at V3 preparations create whitepaper prioritize backlog items and new features and creating work-packages for coding
we could really need a helping hand at DMD Cloudmining promotion marketing.
another skillset we would find use is accountant.
so what skill we can use:
UI coding
wallet coding
security(two way authentication...)
community management and support
and and and............
u might ask if we need so much what we have already
its not like we have nothing of the list above
we have just not enough of it because people fulfill multiple roles at once and only have limited time in each area
or some people have just a limited pool of hours they can spend
example daniel is a great coder but his time is very limited
so even we have a great coder we still seek new coder