517071 null 08/04/2014 08:41:43 74.1799 1.00 18,990 0 0.00
517070 izhelev 08/04/2014 08:41:26 69.9521 1.00 17,908 0 0.00
517069 worst 08/04/2014 08:41:19 68.7485 1.00 17,600 11,579 65.79
and then a few minutes later
517071 donnk 08/04/2014 08:41:43 74.1799 1.00 18,990 1,736 9.14
This is happening, because the pool's front-end (MPOS) and the backend(s) work asynchronously. This is why one cannot 100% trust what MPOS displays (but the trend etc is accurate, as are past accounted blocks).
In this particular case, the background routine that finds new blocks and puts them in the database found a block - it knows the block data as found in the block chain, but does not know who found it (the block chain has no idea). Just after this task finishes, another is started, that populates these new found blocks with information from the pool database -- who found it, what is the shares distribution etc.
This is why it is happening and it's actually amusing to watch.
MPOS can of course work without this semi-realtime data being present, in which case information about new blocks will simply appear a bit later.
Thanks I figured it might be something like that No worries