Please devs tell me if somethings wrong
I have been mining Dmd since May, I have more than 3000 dmds before 31-7 but now, after this "event" I have own 1295 dmds
Im sure Im in right chain because the diff show same as danbi's pool.
1- backup your wallet;
2- use the "checkwallet" command. Normally it should tell you how many coins will be recovered. Normally all those missing.
3- use the "repairwallet" command. You should now see all your coins back.
Please give your feedback.
I tried as you suggested. I am down 18 .
17 transactions. 1 minted. Unconfirmed.
07312014 mined and minted.
The checkwallet cmd gave me back, passed true..
No change. ur wallet address there u can see exactly what happend with ur balance
incoming andoutgoing transactions
coin never get lost
only u can lose access to them
if u as example forget ur wallet password
or if u transfer them to a wrong address
what i do if i was trapped in a wrong fork is i make sure i always use a old wallet.dat when i resync
i even used a few times already a virgin (the first day i created my wallet woth zero coins in it) wallet.dat from december and when resync every coin is displayed correct even from subaddresses i created that the old wallet.dat dont even know. thats because all or addresses in one wallet share same secret part so even a old wallet.dat is able to recover it