If Microsoft releases something crappy everyone bashes Microsoft. It's just the same here.
Additionally your argument regarding solo mining is not valid at all. Only people with huge rigs can really solo mine. I tried that myself.
Pools for CPU coins are the only way your average non-freak user can participate.
I understand your frustration. Your frustration is completely valid.
However, I instead of being a stick in the mud, I'd try to spend my energy creating and moving toward a solution to this challenge. You do admit there are plenty of people, little fish like you and me, who are figuring out a way to make it work, don't you?
I hardly think I'm a freak for having one nice graphic card on a standard intel i7 4770windows 7/ubuntu workstation.
blablabla... asics are out of the (diamond) game, pools are not working yet (perhaps some hidden pools, but this doesn't matter)
Lol, this is the best time for all solo miners! I got 8 coins the last 24h with 2x7950 - and 12 coins with 1x5970 and 1x7950. Check http://www.cryptocoinsinfo.com/, time for solo mining.
Stop crying, go solo or buy some. Stop bashing Diamondcoin or the devs.