This is very nice but when will we have a working pool?
Every single pool is having the same problem with rejected blocks and im about to give up on this coin.
Please make an effort to get 1 single working pool up.
ahmed will create a proprietary pool solution which is able to mine with actual diamond code
meanwhile we work on adjustmends in code for standart pools too
That process will be interesting to watch.
Meanwhile, some of us continue to hack the code to make it work as advertised.
By the way, the DMD code base is indeed archaic, it cointains/misses code fragments that have been fixed in mainstream bitcoin code for years.
Just for the record: I am not accusing anyone of anything.
(here goes the old theory that you need at least 10 years to learn programming)
EDIT: A good reading for anyone who believes they are good programmer. Worth reading anyway, even if you are not programmer. At least to understand better the validity of experience/expertise claims. A must read for managers, if you ask me