GJ m5j0r. Tech things can be very fussy. One wrong ',' here or '.' there, or file named not exactly perfect, or location wrong, etc etc....any little thing off, and nothing works. Like HR, I'm involved with IT, and have run into simple things not working a gazillion times, and often the answers are just subtle changes. But until you find the problem it can be very frustrating. (Just imagine how the devs feel right now trying to find/fix some last bugs....)
If you can see your hashrate, you're mining. You won't see any accepts, except for when you find a block (then you see accepts for the block). And if you're hashing, your wallet should accept blocks fine. The fact that you're hashing shows that your miner has contact to the wallet, and the wallet to the network. You should be good! (other than possibly optimizing your rig for the new algo, which I'm still trying to learn myself)
I used to be a little bit in IT as well, I know the pain
(not beyond basic dev tho). It just seems weird to see cryptocurrencies gaining more and more popularity but the core wallets still being a mess. It's the first thing a user needs to deal with and it's gonna leave a lasting impression. The wallets should all be portable and include a all-in-one GUI for everyone to use without the need to trial and error everything.
Right now all the alt coins only change the logo and the name. Most don't even bother to change the "about" dialog...
DOGE etc. change colors too lol.
DMD seems to be actively developed unlike others, that's why I stick to it for now.
general feature request (if the devs even read this single post):
-real anonymity: first one to pull this off is my personal hero and will help cryptos A LOT
-solving the blockchain problem: decrease the size to less than 50mb WITHOUT sacrificing security. there are a few concepts out there that might work. (WITHOUT centralization) someone just needs to start =D
I got another question now: Can YAM also be used for DMD soloing? Google says no.. but maybe someone here knows better.
Read that it's way faster.
As soon as the pools are up and working YAM is going to be my choice anyway I suppose.