
Topic: [ANN] - No time limit, weekly bonus - page 3. (Read 5674 times)

Activity: 84
Merit: 0

Thank you for your post.

I have included a response to it between your lines and in red.

Why we have to trust you? If you develop Faucets, you know how is this. Everytime something happens, the users pay for it.

Interesting comment, so you want to play with one of the most volatile commodities going and at the same time you want guarantees,
you don't want to be responsible if and when the market crashes, you just want to hold out your hand and say "gimme" .. fact is, if you don't want your fingers burned, then don't put your hand in the fire you greedy little scallywag.   Cool

And actually you don't have to trust us at all, if you don't or have any doubts about the site THEN DO NOT USE IT, we strongly advise that.

It seems like PotionCoin IS related with DrinkBTC. There are banners from Bitraffic on DrinkBTC.

Banners on DrinkBTC are advertising banners put there by an independent ad agency and the two sites are not related as such.

Also, if you have problem with the rates, why don't you just make the rewards lower?

If you bothered to read content on the site, instead of just going "gimme, gimme, gimme" and shit canning the site, you would read there are plans to do that, however its a matter of priorities and there are issues to be addressed first.

The true here is, that you are developing two Faucets (DrinkBTC and PotionCoin), one that are not paying since more than 1 month ago, and the other have problems with payments now.

The truth is one man developed the scripts to both sites but those sites are operated independently, I cannot speak for the other site however our payments are progressing normally and in keeping with a revenue sharing website, have you supported sponsors to assist?

Here we cannot prove if what you saying it's real.

There is nothing to prove, its up to you to decide if you visit the site or not and when you do you are subject to the sites ToS, read it and if you don't like it then don't come, this applies to every website on the WWW, stop being a crybaby and accept responsibility for your own actions.

If you have nothing to do, I don't understand why you defend DrinkBTC... why owners of DrinkBTC don't come here to discuss with us instead of you?

The owner of DrinkBTC has been here all along, its umm me ... no discussion, its my site and I make the rules if you don't like it then don't use the site, same as any other website on the WWW, simple!

Yes, you pay money from your pocket in able to run Faucets. And us, the users, are who work for them. We put time and money from our pocket, we don't need a 50K satoshis limit to withdraw, and then two or three months later we cannot have our satoshis in our account, But that's something we can't discuss with you because "you are irrelevant".

What you need is to stop flapping your gums and let the site get on with the job of making it a great place for everyone going forward.

Do not misunderstand what I'm saying. I like DrinkBTC (the idea), and I like Faucets and you have my respect for developing. But we are here to make money, to work for it. We cannot lose our time. We have been scammed a lot of times before, don't need more.

Yes you like faucets because its a place you can come and go "gimme" but what have you and your friend done to support what is a revenue sharing site, where the money that's paid to users comes from the sponsors. Do you and your little buddy, visit sponsor links, buy their products, subscribe to their email lists etc?  I am guessing you will say "of course" but I'm also guessing that's far from truthful.

Ohh, and you do not think the site is getting scammed by greedy, unscrupulous  users everyday? That and a couple of whingers like you and drinkc (out of over 6k) really take the gloss off operating a faucet. My advice, STFU and let us get on with the job.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Hello bmate or drinkc or whatever name you chose to use today.

Thank you for you post.

Your account is already closed and our business is concluded (request denied), kindly check the websites ToS which you agree to on each occasion you use your account.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

However, my problem is still not solved. I lost satoshis on drinkbtc, I want to withdraw my balance and close account. This still can't be done. The owner even wants to report me. I really don't know what he report me for.

I am just requesting to get back my coin balance.

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Hello dear friends,

I've come here to resolve some misunderstandings. First of all, I develop potioncoin and drinkbtc and more faucets, but I am not the owner of those sites!

Any connection with me to these sites as I am not the one who manage them is irrelevant.

Potioncoin has nothing to do with drinkbtc, they have quite the same style but are two different websites managed by two different owners:

Michael(Snappaguy) is the owner of
Bitraffic is the owner of

Again, any association is irrelevant.

Drinkbtc never stops paying the users. Michael(Snappaguy) is trying to balance what he gives(reward rates) and what he earn from ad networks, this is why there is a delay in payments. Many users have been paid a lot from this site and the 'idea' is still in beta.

Anyway, all the users will be paid and the website will continue to work, FUD is everywhere in this niche(faucets), stay calm and don't spam for no reason threads from owners who put money from his own pocket to pay members and keep this project alive.

Why we have to trust you? If you develop Faucets, you know how is this. Everytime something happens, the users pay for it.

It seems like PotionCoin IS related with DrinkBTC. There are banners from Bitraffic on DrinkBTC.

Also, if you have problem with the rates, why don't you just make the rewards lower?

The true here is, that you are developing two Faucets (DrinkBTC and PotionCoin), one that are not paying since more than 1 month ago, and the other have problems with payments now.

Here we cannot prove if what you saying it's real.

If you have nothing to do, I don't understand why you defend DrinkBTC... why owners of DrinkBTC don't come here to discuss with us instead of you?

Yes, you pay money from your pocket in able to run Faucets. And us, the users, are who work for them. We put time and money from our pocket, we don't need a 50K satoshis limit to withdraw, and then two or three months later we cannot have our satoshis in our account, But that's something we can't discuss with you because "you are irrelevant".

Do not misunderstand what I'm saying. I like DrinkBTC (the idea), and I like Faucets and you have my respect for developing. But we are here to make money, to work for it. We cannot lose our time. We have been scammed a lot of times before, don't need more.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
However, my problem is still not solved. I lost satoshis on drinkbtc, I want to withdraw my balance and close account. This still can't be done. The owner even wants to report me. I really don't know what he report me for.

I am just requesting to get back my coin balance.

Hello dear friends,

I've come here to resolve some misunderstandings. First of all, I develop potioncoin and drinkbtc and more faucets, but I am not the owner of those sites!

Any connection with me to these sites as I am not the one who manage them is irrelevant.

Potioncoin has nothing to do with drinkbtc, they have quite the same style but are two different websites managed by two different owners:

Michael(Snappaguy) is the owner of
Bitraffic is the owner of

Again, any association is irrelevant.

Drinkbtc never stops paying the users. Michael(Snappaguy) is trying to balance what he gives(reward rates) and what he earn from ad networks, this is why there is a delay in payments. Many users have been paid a lot from this site and the 'idea' is still in beta.

Anyway, all the users will be paid and the website will continue to work, FUD is everywhere in this niche(faucets), stay calm and don't spam for no reason threads from owners who put money from his own pocket to pay members and keep this project alive.

Activity: 435
Merit: 10
Hello dear friends,

I've come here to resolve some misunderstandings. First of all, I develop potioncoin and drinkbtc and more faucets, but I am not the owner of those sites!

Any connection with me to these sites as I am not the one who manage them is irrelevant.

Potioncoin has nothing to do with drinkbtc, they have quite the same style but are two different websites managed by two different owners:

Michael(Snappaguy) is the owner of
Bitraffic is the owner of

Again, any association is irrelevant.

Drinkbtc never stops paying the users. Michael(Snappaguy) is trying to balance what he gives(reward rates) and what he earn from ad networks, this is why there is a delay in payments. Many users have been paid a lot from this site and the 'idea' is still in beta.

Anyway, all the users will be paid and the website will continue to work, FUD is everywhere in this niche(faucets), stay calm and don't spam for no reason threads from owners who put money from his own pocket to pay members and keep this project alive.

Activity: 48
Merit: 0
Right, I want to close account and they do not send me the coins. This can be regarded as non-payment issue. They do not pay users and still want to report users who point out this. What kind of logic is that? Is the site from mainland China? How come the style is so close to that?

Stay away from this site. This site will go scam for sure.

The system it's really the same that PotionCoin has, and I will checked, both are from the same owner: "pubase".

What happen with PotionCoin? Well, you can see it for yourself:

The site stopped from paying a month ago. And now, this site appears and claim to be the next "PotionCoin" site that offers high amount of income.

Sorry but you are scamming people with this.

Also, there is NO point on put a 50.000 satoshis to withdraw. You will let the people to work for you, and then you will leave and never response anymore like PotionCoin, and now it's even worse, because the 50K satoshis limit it's higher.

I demand a reply from you about all of this.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
I restate it again clearly. I lost several thousands satoshis on your site due to your site's update and your site didn't credit back the amount to my account. I felt uncomfortable to continue earning on your site and therefore request to withdraw my coins already earned (22,905 satoshis) and close account.

You sent me a confidential agreement and force me to sign. I think it's unnecessary as I am just requesting to withdraw my earned coins. I see no reason why I need to sign anything to get back my coins. I sent several emails again to chase for the withdrawal but I didn't receive any reply.

That's why I am contacting your site here. I don't understand why I will be reported. I still haven't reported on the satoshis lost issue on your site and I didn't receive the satoshis balance in my account. You now even want to report me? Report me for what?

Others have clear mind should be able to judge who's right who's wrong. Especially the admin of bitcointalk here.


And thank you for your post.

With reference to multiple accounts we quite clearly referred to this website.

With reference to you suggesting you received no emails from DrinkBTC, that is simply untrue.
Everyone who uses the contact form is replied to in a timely manner, including yourself.
We can make those emails you received a matter of public record if you wish?

With reference to your using this website to resolve your problems, kindly desist or you will be
reported for your actions given this is an appropriate venue.

With respect to anything else you have to say, kindly review a quotation posted earlier stating:

"You did not comply with simply instructions regarding your request and as a result of
your moving outside the proper channels relative to dispute resolution, any offer made by us is
now sadly withdraw."

You have demonstrated throughout proceedings a willingness to manufacture a version of events
not in keeping with the truth and as a result our business is now concluded.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

I only got one account with account name "drinkc" at drinkbtc. No other accounts.

I didn't receive any email from you. You can reply here or send the coin balance to my btc address in my account.

Activity: 27
Merit: 0
Stay away from this site. This site will go scam for sure.

The system it's really the same that PotionCoin has, and I will checked, both are from the same owner: "pubase".

What happen with PotionCoin? Well, you can see it for yourself:

The site stopped from paying a month ago. And now, this site appears and claim to be the next "PotionCoin" site that offers high amount of income.

Sorry but you are scamming people with this.

Also, there is NO point on put a 50.000 satoshis to withdraw. You will let the people to work for you, and then you will leave and never response anymore like PotionCoin, and now it's even worse, because the 50K satoshis limit it's higher.

I demand a reply from you about all of this.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Username: crakenmx64
Activity: 84
Merit: 0

And thank you for your post.

With reference to multiple accounts we quite clearly referred to this website.

With reference to you suggesting you received no emails from DrinkBTC, that is simply untrue.
Everyone who uses the contact form is replied to in a timely manner, including yourself.
We can make those emails you received a matter of public record if you wish?

With reference to your using this website to resolve your problems, kindly desist or you will be
reported for your actions given this is an appropriate venue.

With respect to anything else you have to say, kindly review a quotation posted earlier stating:

"You did not comply with simply instructions regarding your request and as a result of
your moving outside the proper channels relative to dispute resolution, any offer made by us is
now sadly withdraw."

You have demonstrated throughout proceedings a willingness to manufacture a version of events
not in keeping with the truth and as a result our business is now concluded.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

I only got one account with account name "drinkc" at drinkbtc. No other accounts.

I didn't receive any email from you. You can reply here or send the coin balance to my btc address in my account.

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
I only got one account with account name "drinkc" at drinkbtc. No other accounts.

I didn't receive any email from you. You can reply here or send the coin balance to my btc address in my account.

Dear bmate,

Firstly while DrinkBTC only permits the use of one account per user, what is the policy on BitcoinTalk regarding having multiple accounts, are you breaking their ToS by doing so?

Anyone operating multiple accounts anywhere has some sort of hidden agenda and it diminishes their trustworthiness in our view.

Your further concern has been addressed in a letter sent to your email address.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

Activity: 84
Merit: 0
Dear bmate,

Firstly while DrinkBTC only permits the use of one account per user, what is the policy on BitcoinTalk regarding having multiple accounts, are you breaking their ToS by doing so?

Anyone operating multiple accounts anywhere has some sort of hidden agenda and it diminishes their trustworthiness in our view.

Your further concern has been addressed in a letter sent to your email address.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
User: Jahaziel
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1031
This faucet concept looks great there are some ways to earn i added this to my fuacte list here:

by the way my username is yannik

Activity: 2
Merit: 0
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
bitcointalk and drinkbtc are 2 different sites. Why couldn't I use different usernames? Is there a law that limit users can use one username only on the internet? Does it matter to you?

Back to the questions that I lost several thousands satoshis on your site after your site's update. Your site didn't credit back the amount to users' account. Okay, that's fine. I understand. Some sites might use this kind of excuse to steal satoshis. Therefore, I felt uncomfortable to continue and doubted whether it's worth to spend my time on it. So, I requested to quit and withdraw my earned coins. That's very normal.

I don't think if there's any excuse for your site for not sending me my coins in balance. I have already lost several thousands satoshis on your site, your site even wants to further take the coins in my balance? Is it planned?

Right, my username is drinkc. You banned my account and do not reply to my email in regarding to withdraw the balance and close account.

Dear DrinkC,

Thank you for your reply which puts things in a clearer light.

My first question is why do you find it necessary to use a different username here than the one used on the website?

This is called using an alias and is normally associated with individuals having a malicious intent or seeking to perpetrate mischief.

Kindly note access to your account was restricted when you suggested you no longer wished to use it and this was explained to
you via email at the time, to suggest otherwise is false.

With regard your suggestion that you were not replied to regarding your concerns that is untrue and you were replied to numerous
times throughout the course of our dialog.

You did not comply with simply instructions regarding your request and as a result of your moving outside the proper channels
relative to dispute resolution, any offer made by us is now sadly withdraw.

Regards ... The DrinkBTC Team.

Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Really impressive so far!

DrinkBTC username:Nobodi2u
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Just completed the registration.

Username: cryptokanpur
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