Hello everyone,
I have been following this post silently, almost from the beginning (end of Sept/beginning of Oct 2017) while studying many ICO opportunities, until I finally made up my mind to participate on the pre-sale of Duecoin around November 2017. As most of you can deduct by now, I am a very patient man, specially considering that after all the rubbish some of the, no so bright individuals like ICO Buster and azzalea25 have been posting (trying to bash this coin) I only decided to create myself an account and participate now, for the 1st time.
I have been an investor for most of my adult life (I'm almost in my 40') and I would like to share some insight that I've learn throughout the years:
There are 2 kinds of investors:
The 1st type: Smart, wise people who understand that investing requires patience.
The 2nd type: Immature gamblers that are in it for the quick buck! (NOT the smartest bunch)
Let me give you some examples of what I mean:
Take almost any crypto that has been in the market for, at least, the last one or two years (Ex. monero, bitcoin, ripple, litecoin, etherium, dash etc) . And ask yourself this questions:
What would have happened if I had invested in any of these coins 2 years a go and:
Option #1. sold them as soon as I quadruple my investment?
Option #2. Hold them until now?
In the option 1: You would made only 300 % profit (100% of original investment + 300% profit=X4)
In the option 2:
Etherium was around 10 USD in 2016 and it is over 800 USD right now (8000% more=X80)
Litecoin was around 3 USD in 2016 and it now at 140 USD( like 4700% more=X47)
Ripple was 0.0007 USD in 2016 and now 0.75 USD (100,000% more=X1000)
Regardless of which coin you choose, (not all) but most of them would have yielded monumental profits as of today, the only factor being time.
You see my point...patience can make you rich, you don't need to invest a lot, just a little in different coins with potential and wait...let them grow, don't be stupid millennials used to having everything right now.
So you can choose to be like ICO Buster or Azzalea and behave like immature little brats spamming the tread like a spoiled 5 years old angry that they don't get everything right now, or you can be smart, know that things will not always go to schedule and they take time, and continue supporting the coins you invested in, in order to ripoff massive benefits later on.
A little bit of background for context, my real 1st name is Leonardo and I am one of the winners of the lottery (2nd week) received my 2500 duecoins price already
(I didn't get to Duecoin through some company called coincrest, like previously suggested by people in this thread; it was recommended to me by a very smart financial adviser and longtime personal friend) and I hold and regularly investments in several other coins as well other forms of investment.