If you belong to the Official Team, do not take this as an attack, it's just something we SERIOUSLY have to take in mind and act ASAP.
Well, I'm making this post to ask a direct and clear answer from the @Official Team why the following cases haven't been taken in consideration and seriously what's happening and why not even a single decision or big change has even taken since CryptoCoderz seems to be missing for his personal issues.
A Team should be capable of making his own decisions even if one of his most importants members is missing, which seems that it's not happening.
First of all, seems there's literally not even one from the @Official Team acting as a Community Manager.
A Community Manager job is needed to understand the Community and to transfer all issues and discussions in a good manner to the Official Team, why that isn't happening?
Why even if all issues have been transfered haven't yet find a solution?
On following screenshots I'm showing real proof of offerings that have taken place in discord but NEVER took a serious reply back, those are a few, all that have been transfered to me in a short time lapse.
Seriously. Why those offerings haven't good any kind of SERIOUS reply back?
Those people offered a solution to the problem that we're already having. And I find it really disrespectful to not take those in mind.
There's no feedback.
What's going on? Doesn't have the Team enough resources or power to make a necessary decision when it has to be taken? There's no communication within the team and also the community?
What about the Assistant Developer? Well, I wonder if there's one, because the fixs should be there already.
We experience problems on PoW/PoS from months, something like that which should be solved ASAP is left in the inkwell like nothing happens or even matters. And a lot of promises we're made when the update fix was about to take place and hasn't been yet released.
The Whitepaper thing, that's another thing left in the inkwell and months keep passing.
Seriously dear Team, this is like Espers isn't even capable of doing a shit while CryptoCoderz is away for his personal issues, even he was why the decision of hiring a new dev hasn't made? Why you all have to rely everything to one person?
I think I'm talking by myself and some other angry members of the community, so, since I spent some time here I expect you to do the same an ANSWER every point I made here.
We all want Espers to rise and you @Official Team seem quite indifferent about it.
If you agree with me and you're a normal user, support this post to make it more visible.
Even if i get hate for this, i must say, i side with the devs and older members.
Starting a conversation with offensive words like childish and accusations, sets the discussion level to a minimum from the start.
And when offered to accept the suggestion of CrowdConscious to find a new dev, CrowdConscious just runs away and says he sells everything....
What do you people expect from the devs? how about contributing to this community project instead of just requesting free stuff/work....
The dev is sacrificing his free time to make this project work and you guys dont even thank him or support him, when he needs a lil time off....
He has no responsibilities in your trades with espers, every trader is responsible for his own money. stop whining....
It isn't whining, it's traders taking responsibility for their investment.
If Cryptocoderz and the rest of the team aren't going to take responsibility... Yes, Cryptocoderz, he has chosen multiple times to make promises and then miss deadlines. Their is little to no leadership left.
So the community must stop and stand up an help out.
Their choice of words has got nothing to do with it. If you ask me, which you probably don't, you are whats wrong with this coin. Complacency.