got first stake on fresh wallet btw! go ESP go!
Distribution doesn't seem to be fair. U need to make high POSers dump, thereby taking out their huge bags and giving them to handicapped guys who are in love with this coin but can't afford to buy more than a few pennies worth of it. Let's clear this town from fat rats with 100 million espers in their wallets, to let average joes buy a little bit of this shit for themselves. Small hodlers should balance out these huge stakers.
LoL, about what are you gonna complain after that? Before there was a guy that mined millions and millions in one day, i didnt complain. He had better gear than me, thats life. I bought when the swap was busy. Took the coin with buying to 1sat almost. If you cant buy, start mining, if you cant. Make profit and buy more. If you cant spare 20€ or $ to invest than you shouldnt. But as you stated yourself: to let average joes buy a little bit of this shit for themselves . Novaexchange isnt closed cause its easter. There's enough for sale. Was thinking myself to by those 100mil on sellside. But have enough for now, but i wouldnt wait to long if i was you.