Umm, would you like to specify these errors you've found?
Otherwise please stop making assumptions it doesn't help anyone.
If cryptopia closed the market that is there decision as that was with ESP1 chain that already has been long known to have bugs and is why we are swapping
The rapid blocktime is something we are addressing.
Espers blockchain generates about 4000 blocks per day now. (should be about 2400)
Why are we growing so fast?
I'm scared
Don't be scared, it's a situation that was brought to our attention a few days ago and we've been monitoring it closely.
We are going to retard the blocktime so that we can reach targeted ~40 second blocks.
More details coming soon.
@EveryoneMining is still being worked on sorry for the delay on not having it released sooner but it is being worked on and is expected to release.
That being said, thanks to the bussiness partnership we now have ESP is now accepted to purchase network Nodes, Wallets, Pools, Explorers and more.
Currently the website for the business is being reworked as their previous site was a disaster (previous web guy was a clown).
Once it's done most of it will be a once click solution for purchasing services through USD/BTC/ESP
Expect a lot to change and new sites/announcements coming up!
Hey bud,
Ever take a look over the updated paper wallet I sent you? If so - have you uploaded it anywhere?
Sorry, don't have time to chat - gotta head out for class. I'll pop in slack tonight but reply here if you see this any time soon