From what i understand nanopool is about 15% of the network and all the pools together only account for about half the network.
With difficulty this low i think many are solo mining.
I was using this tool to monitor but it stoped working
edit, i just added up % and it comes to around 80% so only 20% solo?
I am not disagreeing with your suggestion to solo mine, only pointing out the fact that people need to observe and watch what happens and be ready to change to meet the environment.
I'm watching the ETC hashrate climb, looks like ethereum have problems again. their hashrate is ~2700GH/s (down from ~5TH/s)
I will get back in a pool at around ~750GH/s currently at 550GH/s (up 100GH/s on the hour) is a good tool for watching the pools
Hi Greenuser. Thank you so much for keeping everyone here up to date on what is going on in the community. I've been a bit busy today setting up some data and such. Pretty crazy day of news lol.