Is it possible to realistically solo mine this coin with your cpu? If so, can you do it through the wallet?
Not with a cpu, but with a gpu card possibly. But you realistically need a lot of MHs to get lucky when solo mining. For small scale mining your better off using a pool and even then you really need to use GPU's to get enough hash rate.
YES you can SOLO CPU mine both ethereum and ethereum classic (just not at the same time)
you have to run the full node (geth).
Follow this guide you use the ETH "geth" you will mine ETH.
DO NOT RUN BOTH.If you have had ETH node on your machine before you will need to make a coppy of your "keys" and delete the ethereum folder in user/AppData/Roming
If you use the ETC geth you will mine ETCGet etc geth here: "ETC geth node 1.4.10" requires no additional flags to use the Ethereum Classic network. So NO NEED start your geth as in Step 7 of the above guide with the param
Just rename "
geth-windows-4.0-amd64.exe" to "
geth.exe" once downloaded and unpacked
Follow the guide step by step and you will be mining SOLO, with your CPU.
One you have the mining up and running with "geth", install the GUI browser to make the "geth" wallet more userfriendly.
Ethereum Classic Mist Wallet - 0.8.1 (1.4.10 go-ethereum) by whatisgravity luck, i solved my first solo block via CPU. You may wait a long time or you may get one just like that.