Price is going to hell... I am scared
Don't be scared. But don't trade on emotion either. It will come back. Maybe not today. Maybe it is a good time to buy?
If it goes to 0.0001 i will still mine it and so will many others. Chines and Russians love it, as do the Koreans, as do the British.
It will not go away. It has too much research potential.
i am not scared
what i did in crypto
i use only money i dont need and dont miss.
a holiday i didnt have time to do and so on
i use then this money to invest
i always buy if prices go down
some say its better if you buy after it found its boton
but i buy even if its still going down
did so with bitcoin and made profit
if i lose it ok. but so far all went well even with ethereum i made my profit
but just what i do