Whats your prodictions for when homestead goes live pumper? Price wise?
hard to call, its extremly risky to trade, you can lose alot of coins very quickly. When homestead goes live there could be another dump ( my traps are set, hope they get filled ) because idiots treat ETH like a shit altcoin pump and will sell on the news. Once that happens, the big boys will scoop up all coins as $10 or less is an absolute steal for ETH.
Over the course of the next 48 hours new bigger players are coming to the table and they will put up walls so huge we will all be in awe. what would every trader do here right now if someone put up a 2k btc buy wall?
Im sure u agree ETH is undervalued best way to make money on this is do what i do...buy and hold, ( maybe trade 10%-20% if its obvious going down like last week ) day trading is foolish on something that has just come out of beta phase.
within next 7days ( maybe-tues,wed) we will be around 0.05 or higher imho
gd luck m8