Exactly, about 6 days... because the number of enabled masternodes has grown again, now we are approaching 3500 masternodes... and moreover with the change of protocol from 70215 to 70216 all the masternodes have requested a new start in the past weeks. But yesterday there was a new master release update and all went well in the last 24 hour of updates because the new autoupdate script is very powerful so the masternodes already from the last two master releases released in February have self-updated without requiring a new start from the control wallet!!!
Do you have deleted the mncache.dat file from the pc 3dcoin folder before checking? Because this file sometimes stucks and gives you an incorrect message about masternode status... If you have deleted it and the result does not change then before giving a new start follow these instructions: check that you have the latest version of the wallet in the PC ( (menu Qt Core info in the wallet) and also check if you have the latest updated version of the masternode ( on the VPS with the commands
3dcoin-cli getinfo
3dcoind -version
then check the status and the sync of masternode and blocks with commands
3dcoin-cli masternode debug
3dcoin-cli mnsync status
3dcoin-cli getblockcount
(check on the explorer 3dcstats.net the actual block number of course)
Another test you can do to have the counter test is to go to the other working VPS/masternode and type the following command... so you will have a further verification of the status:
3dcoin-cli masternode list | grep txid
(replace the word "txid" in the command above with the txid number of the collateral transaction of the masternode that does not work)
When you are sure that everything is updated and in sync in the VPS then you can start the masternode in the pc wallet if the masternode still has the "new start required" status even after the mncache.dat file is deleted...