Does anyone know how to start a local private network? I don't mean the testnet but a real private one for development purposes.
I remember Brian or Paul mentioned it somewhere as a sidenote, but I can't find it anymore...
edit: seems like the solution is somewhere buried within factomd/scripts folder
edit: I'm now using this command. However, I'm not sure if it makes totally sense
At least the node visualizer starts counting blocks from 1 increasing every 10 seconds:
factomd -enablenet=false -node=0 -count=3 -network=LOCAL -blktime=10 -runtimeLog=true -netdebug=5 -customnet=123
Any improvement suggestions or comments on this?
edit: run the following command to import an address with 20k factoids (this works at least on the m2-rc1 branch):
factom-cli importaddress Fs1KWJrpLdfucvmYwN2nWrwepLn8ercpMbzXshd1g8zyhKXLVLWj
One of the tests I run is:
g factomd -count=25 -net=alot+ -blktime=30 -enablenet=false -network=LOCAL -startdelay=5 > out.txt
This sets up a control console that you can use to play with a simulated network of 25 factom instances.
Then I cd to the factomd directory (on my machine that's ~/go/src/
Then in another console I run
Now this console gives an over view of all the nodes running in real time. Think of it as a "status console". This is really crude 1980's console programming, but it is lightweight and effective. As status messages are printed, they replace the previous, to give the illusion of status updates in the status console.
If you go back to the control console, you can type 'h' followed by an 'enter" to get all the commands you can execute. The important one is to type 's' followed by enter. This will start the printing of status to the status console.
Typing the node number (0-24 in this case) puts the 'focus' on one of the nodes (as denoted by the 'f' on the that node's line in the status console).
Typing 'w' followed by enter directs all api calls to the instance denoted by the 'w' on that node's line in the status console.
If you go to
http://localhost:8090 , you will see factomd's built in Explorer to get web based feedback on the status of a node in your test. Please note that this information comes only from the instance with the 'w' next to it, and by default node 0 if you don't do anything.
I hope this helps get you started. I really do intend to get some better documentation and blog posts together for people as soon as I can get some time.