I don't think you understand. All Entry Credits are derived from burned Factoids. It doesn't matter if the Factom store burns them when getting a CC order, or by burning Factoids yourself.
Think about this from a business perspective. How would they add data into the system?
1) Buy Bitcoins
-this is a non-trivial step today. Do they issue a PO order? Can they use the department credit card? Both sound like a no. result: No Factom usage. End of project prototyping.
2) Send BTC to exchange and buy Factoids
-Doable as a business, but it would be operating under the radar since corporate accounts are not really a thing. Shapeshift might work too, if it is up at the time.
3) Use wallet to burn Factoids and buy Entry Credits.
-doable, but awkward, as the community knows.
4) Now the business software can use the Entry Credits
-Actual business logic can progress and applications can publish on the platform.
5) Convince legal department + accounting department that the IT department dealing in Bitcoin is not risky for the business.
-Most of the world is still scared of Bitcoin.
1) Use company credit card to buy Entry Credits.
-Factom, inc. processes credit card, pays CC fees, bears chargeback risk. Factom inc. buys Factoids off the market. Factom inc. converts Factoids to ECs and assigns them to the business's address. Factom, inc has a strong incentive to keep the system working.
2) Business software can use the Entry Credits to publish.
Which part about this are you upset about again? This is changing it from impossible to possible for businesses to use Factom.
If you think that we are making too much profit, you are free to setup your own Credit Card merchant account and try to undercut. Complaining about a business taking too much margin without considering overhead means that more research needs to be done.