Got it, thanks Vegas. Good to hear.
I think the last year of ever falling prices on all coins has driven a lot of people to give up.
I can't find contact details for the website, but I messaged the person who opened this thread.
I think the biggest priorities are updating this thread and the website. They're full of dead links and it looks like no one represents the coin anymore.
Also thanks for posting the blockchain for people, thats the most useful thing going on here. Ideally with someone maintaining the website and thread regularly we could keep a new link for people so they don't have to ask.
I'm willing to help pay for some upkeep and maintenance, just need to find the person running things.
Here's a video I did for Riecoin:'d say by default we can both consider ourselves affiliated with Fastcoin.
Thank you. I am not affiliated with fastcoin. Just a fan, thats all. I still will try to help you. Lets keep the converstation on the thread so others can get help from it too.