Lol I just tuned into the Soundcloud from Flavorcoin for the first time (
via this Tweet). I was only seeing this as an investment so far and didn't really care about the music. But that song, ‘Missing Home (feat. Always Never)’ by Tilka, is really good! I love it!
This project just made a jump up in value for me. If you are distributing music that is as good as this, for free, we are really going to go places! I've just started to see the opportunities. License free music. Users voting with 2flav. Live stream broadcasting. Bringing independent artists to the masses. This project has the potential to get mass adoption, at least some 20k users streaming. And with that, may be one of the first cryptocoins achieving mass adoption. Via the vehicle of music.
Mind = blown.
Maybe you should get a real website at some point. Please start with updating the ANN, the unformatted "Roadmap" section is still a mess (and it's not about the roadmap either). I already did it for you, you just have to copy and paste. This project may be about audio and music first but the visuals are a big deal as well. Think about visuals as "priming" the brain for quality. Like listening to organ music in a church, compared to listening to organ music via headphones at a messy train station. It does make a difference, even though the music is the same.
Uhm, regarding advertisement in the live stream, you should really think about that again. It has to be cool. Ads are not cool. (This might sound familiar but it's just true). Instead of off-the-stack ads, you might rather give people the opportunity to introduce their product to the audience, to *talk* about it, like an interview or little talk show, rather than throwing annoying ads at them. This kind of advertisement is more friendly, more authentic and therefore more effective. You should only allow people introduce their product if
you think it's authentic and might actually help people. This will revolutionize the world of advertising on the fly.