NOMP is fine today.
I have set fee of NOMP to 1%.
This will be used if the commission has occurred in the remittance.
I think the following as the cause of the trouble in the past.
・Server's memory was insufficient.
・The postage was not considered .
・Setting of difficulty of the pool was inappropriate.
New NOMP server is awesome! Nice hashing going on today too
No problem with 1% fee whatsoever, if you need to ask for 2% to cover cost of server and maintenance feel free to ask, you will have my support. Just keep a good NOMP pool up. I hope to eventually somehow get what I need to try a p2pool. Still researching and reading up on it.
Also, the autumn pictures are beautiful! I love the fall and seeing the leaves turn here as well. Will save all pictures. Plans to post all of your pics on coindrone as well with downloads links. what a hike it must have been.
And if anyone is wondering FujiCoin is alive and growing.
Thx Motty!!!