Hash rates listed at pools are not the most reliable method of measurement, so I've been told by a pool owner, as they are estimated. I've seen my own hashing power in pools inflated or deflated by as much as 70% when compared to what my miner reports, but averaging over time by the pool reports it works out close to the real number.
The way to really tell how your hashing power effects the overall hashing (I figured this out by observation and a bit of math), is to mine for several hours (1 or 2 is not enough, I'd go 5 or more), and compare the coin payout you get to the total coin payout per hour that you mined. Since these are 200 coins per block, 2 minute average (30 blocks per hour), it's about 6,000 coins per hour. If you're getting an average of 600 coins per hour, you're about 10% of the payout making it about 10% of the hashing power. If you're using 6mh/s to get there, then the total is about 60mh/s.
I think the pools use similar math, but it's done on a second by second basis which fluctuates wildly, so the several hour long averaging smooths things out.
Make sense?
Well, we bought 29K ++ GUN yesterday on Allcrypt for half of what they are going for today - lot slimmer market over there. So the "dumping" is occurring in multiple places. Not sure if the "dumper" realizes that it is the GUN community who is grabbing them up at cheap prices - unless they do not care as they are mining them cheap and just creating a revenue stream to offset their mining expenses and continue to annoy GUN users by keeping prices down.
One thing I have noticed the past week in the pool I am mining in that is very odd and repeatable. I have a few ASICS that can mine about 5-6 MH/s - not a lot, but a healthy amount of hashing. I look at the pool before I turn them on and it is hashing about 15MH/s. An hour after I add in my 5MH/s, the pool is hashing along at well-over 30 MH/s, even seen it jump to 40MH/s. When I turn mine off, so do they. I see the same thing every day. You have some one or some group that wants a fixed percentage of the mined coins and the capability and diligence to get them. If this is the same person dumping the coins, you have a serious long term problem, unless you get some serious hashing of your own to out-hash them....Has anyone else noticed this also?
FYI, we also throw a few votes your way on Mintpal, since we have not made the list there yet.
The voting on Mintpal was going great but seems to have slowed down....did everyone go on vacation?
The votes are up to 1561 at 12pm today. Up less than 30votes in 25 hours. The higher we go on the ladder than harder it gets. So rally the troops and lets give Guncoin a big boost!!!
Bleutrade seems to be on hold with movement because of a low trader. If anyone is interested in a great deal, you can get 70k Guncoin for less than $28.00!!!!
He's gonna be sorry later on!!!!
Thank you Ozrep for asking us to continue with the morning reports. Wasn't too sure anyone paid attention. Thanks again.