I'd like to see a youtube video of two ham radio operators talking about hamradiocoin through the airwaves. Zooming in on the radio, looking at the blinking lights. Or even 3 or 4 operators at the same time talking about hamradiocoin
That would be cool and show support for the coin.
That's like a silent film from the 1920's, and it's not operators actually talking over the radio waves.
Would love to see some progress on this.. ANY ham radio operators able to link together over the air and record the conversation? Showing real hammers (is that the term?) talking about hamradiocoin over the radio on youtube would be great.
It's akin to the "see? celebrities drink Pepsi too" concept.
Only this is amateur ham radio operators, with real ham equipment, using ham radio, to discuss hamradiocoin, and share it with the rest of the internet who can invest in this...