Raising the reward is 10 times a big mistake. The number of miners may increase,
but they will not be holders and will drop the price even lower. Existing coin holders will suffer a lot, about 10 times ...
So it also occurred. developers scamed coin holders. My hold coins just devalued
I mine and I hodl, in fact I made another deposit just yesterday. Whenever I have a few thousand HOdl accumulated from mining I make a 12 month deposit
Way I see it, HOdl is a crypto bank. Mine it, exchange other cryp for it, HOdl it, trade out deposits on maturation or deposit again, rinse, repeat.
I look forward to the maturation of my first deposit because when the day comes I think I'll make a paper wallet for it to celebrate:
https://walletgenerator.net/?currency=HOdlcoin - actually that reminds me, I wanted to mention here that the HOdlcoin graphics used by walletgenerator.net
are out of date. It would benefit public perception of HOdlcoin if it were represented by the new graphics at exchanges etc. If I am able to help distribute & notify then I will, just ask.
I like HOdl, it's been a fun project for me, and the community seems pretty nice.
I spruik HOdl whenever an appropriate opportunity presents itself. And so, my dears, should you