I think maybe the autohodl period was too long. While autohodling did succeed in removing the strip miners and the pools(temporarily), it may have discouraged too many miners. Maybe a 60 days enforced hodling period would have been better.
Anyway, now that Yobit appears to have gone offline, I think now would be a good time to prepare a fork, as the potential problem with Yobit has already occurred.
I'll suggest an offer to HOdlers - I'll volunteer to develop the fork if the Nutocracy authorizes me to reduce the required autohodl period, but not remove it. I think removing the autohodl entirely would see the return of strip miners who simply mine and dump, removing all value created in the coin. While I know the autohodl feature has not been popular in many quarters, I think we'll find all those who have mined with autohodl are likely to be long term hodlers, more invested in the coin than strip miners or speculators.
When you fork this what will happen to the coins already mined and locked?
Nothing unusual happens to the existing coins. they continue to be locked or not locked, whatever state they were in before, according to how long they were locked to begin with. The fork will not change that. It will only affect newly mined coins which will now be locked for a month, or two, or whatever is decided on, at the time they are mined. In other words, if you mine coins today, they will be locked for a year automatically. If the coin forks tomorrow, then coins mined tomorrow will be locked for a much shorter time (whatever the fork says), but the coins you mined today will still be locked for a year after the fork takes effect. A coin timelock is permanent and must run its course, regardless of the duration selected and regardless of what is done to future mined coins.