Just now not simple to download the whole chain. It means a lot time...
I note here, what I did... I use a Windows 10 system with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). I use Debian app on it. Bookworm. I installed Java jdk 8, because it a must for the old source of HZ. The source I get from my github repo, as usual. compile.sh and it compiled without issue.
Java 8 for Bookworm:
Please check also:
wget http://www.mirbsd.org/~tg/Debs/sources.txt/wtf-bookworm.sources
sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/sources.list.d
sudo mv wtf-bookworm.sources /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
github repo:
git clone https://github.com/ifinta/hz-source
It can be started with run.sh, but not yet working, because I need to open ports from the Windows Subsystem for Linux to the world...
~~~~~~~~~~~ it was here a week pause, sure
I got some serious issues, but IT EXISTS a known bug in the networking of WSL... WSL don't let run init and it don't detects, that the Windows got an another networking environment, for example, the Windows system was in sleep state, and woke up It was before Windows 10 a known issue, and MAYBE Windows 11 solved it. MAYBE I can't test it just now...
It means, Windows should be switched off, and next day should be started. The WSL should be well closed and started also. Not for a well server, sure.
I don't want to install a Debian, I don't want a 1000 years old Java Dev Kit on the Windows, so I decided to restart my "server" every day I would like try WSL well, as I said earlier.
Some useful Windows commands:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=7776 listenaddress= connectport=7776 connectaddress=
The address of on the side of Windows changing randomly, of course. WSL don't detect it, I hope, clear for everybody, why it isn't a good decision to use the system. But.
route print, ping, tracert, ...
wsl.exe -l -v
to see the Name, State, ... of the distro.
wsl.exe -t Debian
to make a restart of the WSL. It should be well stopped, of course, before you do it. If you exit the app, the process don't exiting. It remain in the life in the background. Nice. If you don't have the state of the system in "running", then it won't be restarted, of course. Nice.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="
It isn't tested well yet. Just to remember.
netsh firewall show state
wsl.exe hostname -I
netsh interface ipv4 show config
Some useful Debian command (bookworm):
ip address show, ping, traceroute, nc (netcat), ...
What is maybe useful, that the HOSTNAME of WSL system will be an subdomain of mshome.net ... Interesting thing, because the domain, the mshome.net is a well public ip address, and the
You can use this link to sign into the Horizon Network. It isn't a node required then from your side, you can use the link with a browser, and it working well up to now...
I stop this task for today. I continue it later or after the Holydays, maybe at Newyear. Happy Holydays
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just another pause ...