Only the ppl who get a block (the guys with the most cpu-power) get to set the block reward.
Clearly - they will up it as much as possible for the time being to up their rewards while there are no mining pools and then drop it later to increase scarcity.
Who wouldn't?
someone who already has an assload of coins from IPO, VOTE 1024 for the masses and not for Elite!!!!
How so? I have 0 coins as of right now. Think about the system for a moment - I was commenting on that.
How does the voting work? and how is it democractic? It benefits only the large farms - the pools won't be up for hours.
it would work cept devs purposefully left out win cpuminer exe so small guys and non ipo dont get shit until after the dump,,,and then if you happen to get shit low votes means its not even much shit.
Lol, why were you arguing with me then? We are of the same opinion. Devs screwed up and mixed it up and made it unfair and not democratic, did you even read what I wrote? lol
wasn't arguing, just hammering home the point for newbs that don't know why they should vote for a 1024 block reward.