WEBSITE | MEDIUM | TWITTER | TELEGRAM | FACEBOOK | WHITEPAPERPublic Token Sale: November 10, 2018Token DistributionHardcap: $18.5 Million USDSoftcap: $3 Million USDThere will be a total of 1 Billion HBX tokens mintedToken Sale 2018 30%, Private Sale 5%, Team and Advisors 30%, Partners and Developer Incentives 15%, Persistent Sale 10%, 2019 Sale 5%, 2020 Sale 5%Take Part in the 5,000,000 Airdrop!https://hyperbridge.org/airdropHyperbridge was founded to empower creators and developers. By providing tools that allow creators to easily deploy blockchain-enabled projects, Hyperbridge is removing the barriers that limit contribution to the innovative process.
BlockHub is our digital distribution platform that is driven by decentralized protocols, which will be the home of a next-generation crowdfunding process.
The BlockHub platform will unite producers and consumers by equipping developers to crowdfund, publish, and market their applications. Users of BlockHub will be able to find new and innovative titles within a vibrant marketplace, while also having the option to earn tokens and reputation by taking actions that support projects and the overall ecosystem.What Problems Does Hyperbridge Solve?Restricted competition in the gaming spaceThe gaming industry rewards predictability, and limits competition from small developers. The risks and cost associated with successfully publishing a game title is high. Due to the saturation of franchised titles and sequels, often backed by substantial marketing budgets, smaller developers fight to gain visibility and market share. Indie gaming is a highly creative environment, but many of the developers in that space do not have access to the community, funding and marketing necessary for their games to compete. Crowdfunding is broken - current models are slow and charge high-feesMiddle-man means higher fees: Traditional payment providers charge 2.9% + 30 cents for every single transaction, but is usually between 4.5% or 5%. (e.g. Kickstarter documents processing fees at 3% + .20 cents per pledge, but payments can fluctuate as high as 5%).Centralized crowdfunding models are limited in lowering fees go because they remain dependent on 3rd party payment providers (E.g. Paypal or Visa). Unfair Marketplace for DevelopersThe current gaming industry operates on a centralized model. Large distribution platforms wield enormous power in the distribution and publishing of content. As a result they charge steep publishing fees and take a sizeable percentage of the profits. Developers with smaller sales volumes have to endure long periods to recoup their investments, and even run the risk of publishing at a net loss.Unable to Maintain Quality ControlAn issue with current digital distribution platforms is their inability to curate and manage the content they publish. Without curation, marketplaces become flooded with spam. With too much intervention, marketplaces are accused of censorship. The issue with current platforms is that a centralized authority is the one managing the marketplace, making the decisions about what users do and don’t see.This isn’t ideal, but is currently the best the industry has. Without a meaningful way for communities to decide on what they play, centralized authorities will continue to guess what their users want.How BlockHub WorksSupporting a competitive environmentThe BlockHub economy will support small developers by helping them manage the entirety of their project lifecycle from start to finish. Our tools will enable small developers by giving them access to the community, marketing and funding they need to compete. Ensuring a Fair and Sustainable Marketplace for DevelopersBlockHub’s decentralized marketplace eliminates middlemen from the model. In their absence, BlockHub’s protocols are designed to provide an economic benefit for independent developers, artists, and creators so they can fund, share, and distribute their work with far less friction. This means that developers receive a larger share of profits. BlockHub will also assist developers in establishing immutable digital rights and licensing, providing them with the tools, community and support to compete against larger studios who presently dominate the market.Next-generation, smart-contract driven CrowdfundingSmart contracts on a blockchain will facilitate the funding of game developer projects within the BlockHub ecosystem. BlockHub will use a standardized protocol for developers to propose project ideas, specify funding requirements, schedule milestones, and outline contribution tiers/incentives. BlockHub users will easily be able to contribute cryptocurrency to the projects they support, and provide them a platform to vote on the success of individual milestones.
- Cutting out high-cost middlemen → more money goes to the creator, instead of being soaked up by the payment gateway.
- Faster + More Efficient - Creators are paid out faster so they can continue on creating, instead of languishing and fighting to survive while waiting for their profits to be released to them
Maintaining Quality Control
BlockHub will maintain a higher standard of curation relative to centralized platfroms by using a decentralized model of reputation based community voting. Curators will be designated through the reputation they have gained through various platform actions. Active and prospective developers will also be structured into ‘tiers’ based on their community-governed reputation to help maintain this quality.
Developers who have a successful history of producing quality games on BlockHub’s platform will have less restrictions for implementing future ideas. “Unproven” developers will be held to a higher level of scrutiny up until the point in time in which they gain reputation and prove that their intentions are in line with the mission and values of the ecosystem.
Lastly, this environment will also be managed and directed by the community, through smart contracts to prevent spamming and to ensure a diverse and healthy game development atmosphere is maintained. Token holders will ultimately have the capacity to vote out content that doesn’t meet their quality thresholds.
Through various Software Development Kits (SDKs) and protocols embedded in BlockHub, developers can manage the entirety of their project lifecycle from start to finish.
- Create and manage publishing identity
- Create and manage project details
- Incentivize promotion via bounties
- Structure crowdfunding campaigns
- Create and manage unique digital assets and licenses
- Create and manage revenue mechanisms
- Permission digital rights and track use
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