I clearly has way more room to grow. I'd say at least a 5X fold increase in market cap is possible but for now Bitcoin price action keeps stealing the show.
You're deeply myopic and neutralizing, to think HMQ has "room to grow at least 5 times" - LOL.
Were talking about 500 times in the next year, seeing we're talking about Banking 4.0 - Banking for the Future.
If you notice, HMQ is holding steady in its historical ascent along with Bitcoin, as all the other alts are crashing.
Why is that?
Humaniq is THEE ONLY company on planet Earth reaching out to the 2.5 Billion people earning less than $2.50 per day.
It's that Simple.
If you sold, ofcourse you wish it will go very low, might never happen though.
You're word is marked.
This weekend we will all point the finger and laugh at you when the price rises into the .40's (40 cents that is).
Then you'll know who the true Prophet is here.
This cat is stoaked about Humaniq - worth listening to at least once
Hey idiot. Have you ever heard of reading? It says .40 this weekend, it is still Thursday here.