I'm sure you are busy with the Ether issues, but I have the same problem. I sent 1.26 ether to buy BTB at $0.40 and I'm still waiting for it to show up. Now the price will be $0.50 when it opens back up. I already have 880 BTB that I bought with BTC with no problem. But the Ether system is not working properly. Also it says in the directions when buying with Ether that it will be sent to the wallet that was used for purchase, so why have a wallet on the site? Also I please post the contract address so I can add the token to my wallet if that is where it will go.
I have looked on Etherscan and my Ether was confirmed yesterday (4198 block confirmations) but still I don't see the BTB on the site or in my Metamask Etherscan account. Please help.
I am a Youtuber so I actually have a video of the transaction and I have watched it carefully more than once and I did everything correctly.
Please advise.
Thank you
(CryptoCollision is also my username for my BitBase account)
can you confirm transaction details and user id. some transaction take time and is instant even though there are many confirmations on etherscan..eventually the balance will be updated.
User id 1616354028-59dc62f3f1679-400327367
TxHash: 0x194d60446db350efd29b230165a2693cfad429f8ab81993f73a592d409d5e00f
Is there any way for you to honor the price I should have gotten ($.40) ?
Updated from 880 tokens to 980 tokens