Client SetupStart CGC, on the top left corner there's the main chat, on the bottom right another chat highlights messages containing your username. The typebar obviously stands at the bottom of the window, if you prefer you can move it up with
/set input top . Then you can see users and tables, in the upper and middle part of the lobby. Finally there's the money box in the bottom left corner, showing your CGC funds.
Every item in the window is
right-clickable: look at some menus.
Some options shown in the menu are bound to a "shortcut". That means that if you press that key combination with the mouse cursor on that item, or type that command... that action will be triggered. Many shortcuts require the use of the "
middleclick", which is obtained pushing down the mouse wheel, or emulated pressing Alt + leftclick.
Some options will open a panel in the CGC window. If you want to close a panel press the
Esc key.
And finally here's how to create a deck.
1. Create a blank decklist: type
/newdeck Deckname A white panel will show up on the right... let's fill the decklist
2. Right click the background and choose the
Show/Hide collection option.
Here are the cards. Right clicking cards will show the contextual menu which also contains the shortcuts (i.e. middleclick to add a copy of a card to the list, or leftclick to remove one)
Holding shift when cursor is on a card will zoom it. Pressing
Ctrl+H on it will show it's updated text, with official errata corrige, a huge work we hope you enjoy.
3. Save your deck
You may want a command to rename your deck first:
/renamedeck CoolnameformydeckOnce the deck has an appropriate name (showing in the bottom left corner) right click the decklist, and chose Export deck. After exporting the deck it will be stored in a text file on the shown path, and you will be able import the deck again with just a couple clicks or by pressing
Ctrl + I. You may also import text decklists placed in the import folder.
So you have a deck now. Close deck and collection panels pressing
Esc and
Leftclick a table to place on it, and
Middleclick it to sit and play.
Searching CardsThis is a guide to the use of CGC's
/find, /select, /sort and
/display commands
The basics:
/help find output text
/find <
card_name> - seach for a card (Any mode)
Find a card having a name card_name. If exact name was not found, then search for cards with the name containing a text card_name. If found either way, show the collection if not already visible. Then turn to page containing the card found. If already in such page, search for the next page containing the card qualifying the search criteria.
This command will search through the whole collection for a card (even partially) matching with the given card name. If the same "find" command is repeated it will search for the next (even partial) match in the collection. The set short name may be included in the search.
Example: many cards having storm in the name. Start with the collection opened on page 1.
Base search/find stormThis search will show the page of the collection containing Ice Storm from Beta Edition
Repeated search/find stormThis search will show the page of the collection containing Sandstorm from Arabian Nights Edition
Search including specific set/find storm (IA)This search will show the page of the collection containing Brainstorm from Ice Age Edition
Repeated search including specific set/find storm (IA)This search will show the page of the collection containing Storm Spirit from Ice Age Edition
Find is the easiest way to look for a card. But you need to know at least a part of the card's name to use it.
What if you don't know it? What if you only know it's color, or type, or set? Here are three useful commands:
First of all:
/help display output text
/display - name current display (Any mode)
When you have filtered and sorted your own custom display, you can save it for later use with this command.
The name of the new custom display appears in the display selection list.
If you want to destroy this display later, you can choose "Destroy this display" from the collection menu while the display is selected.
This means that you can give names to your custom displays in order to quickly access it in later times.
What's bad about it is that when you do some common maintainance you may unwillingly destroy your custom displays, since they are stored in one of those book files (i.e. book.my_filters). So, keep it in mind and remember to backup your displays (by copying that file somewhere) sometimes.
How to create a custom display?This is a "reviewed" version of what
/help select shows
/select - select cards to display (Any mode)
You can refine your collection view by applying subsequent selects.
Passing no arguments to this command will return to default select.
Each select expression checks every card from the current display and drops those cards not matching the filter expression
The filter expression is one of the following:
rel - comparison where rel is =, >, <, !=, <= or >=
op - mathematical expression where op is +, -, *, or /
( exp ) - parenthesis alters precedence
has - true if e2 is a substring of e1 (comparison case independent)
not - negate expression e
and - true if both expressions are true
or - true if either expressions is true
- an integer
"" - a string
- may be one of the following:
name - a card's name
text - a card's rules text
set - a card's set abbreviation
rarity - a card's rarity
color - a card's color (mtg only)
cost - a card's mana cost (mtg only)
type - a card's type (mtg only)
subtype - a card's subtype (mtg only)
power - a card's power (mtg only)
toughness - a card's toughness (mtg only)
loyalty - a card's loyalty (mtg only)
have - number of cards you own
want - number of cards you want
sell - number of cards you have for sale
deck - number of cards in the current deck
seller - name of the seller
price - price of the card
myprice - price of the card set by me
phave(player) - sold by player. Requires /have player first
pwant(player) - wanted by player. Requires /want player first
After performing a /select operation you may revert to default or previous display right clicking the top of your collection.
You may also revert to default display using command /select with no arguments, i.e.
A first simple example:
Starting from the default display we will search for that 1/2 goblin warrior creature protected from blue getting Goblin Piledriver
1. Ask for all goblin warrior cards
= operator searches for an exact match between the arguments. It is case sensitive.
String arguments require to be surrounded by "".
/select subtype = "Goblin Warrior"
2. Then ask for all cards having protection in the text.
has operator searches the second argument in the first one, and is not case sensitive.
Yet string arguments require to be surrounded by "".
/select text has "protection"
1 + 2. A user with a litte better syntax knowledge would have done it with a single command like this one
/select (subtype = "Goblin Warrior") and (text has "protection")
Some other examples:
- select non artifact creatures
/select not (type has "artifact") and (type has "creature")
- exclude blue and/or red cards from the previous display
/select not ((color has "blue") or (color has "red"))
- the previous two... in a single line
/select (not (type has "artifact") and (type has "creature")) and (not ((color has "blue") or (color has "red")))
This is the "reviewed" version of /help sort
/sort k1 k2 ... - sort display (Any mode)
Sort the current collection view according to one or more sort keys k1, k2, etc.
Each key is one of the following:
age - a card's set age
name - a card's name
text - a card's rules text
set - a card's set
rarity - a card's rarity
color - a card's color (mtg only)
cost - a card's mana cost (mtg only)
type - a card's type (mtg only)
subtype - a card's subtype (mtg only)
power - a card's power (mtg only)
toughness - a card's toughness (mtg only)
loyalty - a card's loyalty (mtg only)
By default, the value of the key k1 is taken as subtitles for the display.
You can discard all subtitles by giving an optional argument n with value 0.
A positive value n adds more levels to the subtitle resolution.
Let's start with a simple select
/select (type has "creature") and (color has "red")
You'll get the list of all red creature cards, including multi-colored and red artifact creature cards, sorted by set's age as it is the default sorting rule
Apply a simple sort
/sort subtype
Creatures are now sorted by subtype, separated by labels with the subtype name
Add another sorting option
/sort subtype color
Creatures are still sorted by subtype, and by color. Labels only show creature subtype
Try this one
/sort 2 subtype color
The sort is the same as before, but color distinguishing labels have been included
Bored with labels?
/sort 0 subtype color
Using a very similar command you can get cards alphabetically sorted
/sort 0 name
Removing "0" from this command would show a label for every single card!
Full "Shortcuts List" for CGC Beta Version is available on our forum at