For my own opinion this is too ambitious but it still can happen in the future. We won't know until they fully launched the project or start doing their platform according to their roadmap. I don't find a time on searching about the team behind this if they are fully competent to this huge project! Still, Kudos to the team and developers who will make this happen!
Some people might find this project very ambitious, what I can tell is that they may be right, but the fact that the devs are doing such great effort in this project is the reason why it will be successful. Yes! This project may be ambitious because of having plenty of goals, but unlike any other projects that only promising words are written in their whitepaper but never exerts effort to achieve what they've promised, this project, on the other hand, will be successful because devs are doing what they have to.
Yes, that's right! Being ambitious is not bad
because all of us have a ambition that we want to achieve, so the smart city eco also has the goal that want to achieve,
all we need to do is think positive and support the project.
Ambitious makes positive, the motto is 'think always positive not negative'
I must say this is a good attitude especially when it comes into business.
SMART CITY ECO make a good corporate citizens, continue to contribute the growth and development of the area
which is market/client's market.
Ambitious? i think they are not,
they are doing a project that they know how to handle!
we have seen their ideas anywhere in the internet,
they just want to make those better by putting them in one place together.
this will make people's live comfortable.
All of the successful businessman and woman around the world has high hopes and ambitious idea but it turn them out with a huge amount of money with their hard work and perseverance. It all starts with an idea if you are not ambitious enough and ready to take all risk and gamble you won't able to succeed.
Smart City Eco wont back down and give up and SCE platform will be delivered its just matter of time, all the hatters can just screenshoot this comment
and wait Smart City Eco will disrupt online economy and way how business is done in these sectors we are targeting, and we have incredible
amount of potential to build upon it, but targeted sectors and especially gaming will be the best sector of the platform and will create
a very strong community surrounding it.
Yes, that's right! Being ambitious is not bad
because all of us have a ambition that we want to achieve, so the smart city eco also has the goal that want to achieve,
all we need to do is think positive and support the project.