I just want to ask. What if I have something deficiency such as physical disabilities. Do I have also a different steps on applying using trustlogics application? Because I think person with disabilities are the primary concern whenever there is a company that hires employee.
Thank you Roukawa for raising an important matter that has usually been forgotten. Based on the whitepaper, as far as I know there is no specific detail about PWD candidates. But, raising this matter might serve a starting point for Trustlogics about PWD hiring.
I do mot think or cannot even think of a single problem that may arise off of this matter because clearly, as long as the people who have disabilities regardless of the type are still capable to work or have the qualities that companies or employers are looking for, I think they will be accepted. And if they work hard enoigh, they will be more likely to be in demand more than people who do not have disabilities but lack work ethics and determination.
I srongly agree with you. Some companies say that hiring PWD creates a positive environment in the workplace. Staff become better individuals because they learn to understand more and become more compassionate. For sure, PWDs have place in Trustlogics!
Yes. I do believe and have the same thoughts about people with disabilities. Having equal rights woth the normal people because they are also human beings that have minds and emotions. They too can learn a huge number of things not any leass than that of a normal human being because they are still capable pf things that they can do and are great on theor foelss. Heop thos reachec hearts.
Pwd still have a chance to work on some office and do office work like normal people do. I think that they still have a room for trustlogic to feature the jobs for disabled people. They are just like us grinding every day to give our family their food or needs and so I think they should have a chance to get a work not only on trustlogic platform but also in our community.
They will for sure have jobs like that also. Works that will not require physical activities like office works. Actually most of the jobs found online are typing jobs, or office works. All the time will sitting in front of your computer. That would be nice if Trustlogic will provide this kind of opportunity for the less fortunate applicants.
It will actually depend on what the job needs and what are the qualifications of the applicant e.g. there are many licensed massage therapist in the US and CA as well as some EU countries who are disabled (usually impaired vision or blind). They work because they are qualified and actually best suited for the job.
Not all the time they are the primary concern guys. Lets be practical, If you are the CEO of the company and the job is maybe need skills that complies hard jobs, do you think disabled person can handle it. I'm not against on what you are thinking guys but lets think about the future of the company not self-pity.
I wouldn't actually expect any job offers for disabled people abroad not unless they really have the specialty on the field that are being required. But i believe that disabled people who has good computer skills or programming skills is on a better edge compared to those job applicants that are looking for a job that is not inclined in computers works.
yes i agree that we might not see an ad saying we are accepting people with disabilities, but it doesn't mean that they won't, we should remember that trustlogics is here so that all kinds of people who are looking for a job will have chance to find one, and that criteria are based on qualifications of job candidates.
You have a point on that, and besides the company is the one who look for a better applicant base on what they gave and listed on their personal data. And besides most of the company has a training after they interview, they will find out if the disabled person or even not can do the task that they need to do for the company.
If the pwd person can do the jobs and have ability to pass the hiring process like normal person then go, and if not then search for another fields that might suit and fit for their situation... We need to be practical here, and i don't think trustlogics will have any against in pwd person that want to have decent job and again if PWD passed then go...
Wow! I thought that this question I will raise in this thread will ignore by everyone, but thank you for keeping it bump and give importance to the problem I raised up. Well, it is just a question for me because I want to acknowledge those person who have disabilities that want to work for their family. If we will ignore them today, they will lose hope for their tomorrow. We must give them also an opportunity to wake up everyday and continue their life even they have disability.
Did you know the story of Vincent Van Gogh? He is commonly known for his paint, starry starry night (The song that composed by Don Mclean also). At his times, Vincent Van Gogh works was not recognized by the society due to the fact that he is art was in form of expressions and that period, realistic arts are the one that are highly appreciated. Until Vincent Van Gogh was died because of his sanity, his works are ignored by the world but when the people saw the beauty of his works, they notice how it really important and right now, Vincent Van Gogh's paints become famous and one of the most expensive paints in the earth.
I just want to connect the life of Vincent Van Gogh to the disabled persons. Like him, people don't appreciate his works because of his sanity and illness until the world realized the beauty of his paint. Same with disabled person, we thought that they are incapable to work until we see the hardworks and determination they did. We just ignore them and it should become different nowadays. We should value them and show to them that the world and companies will never exist without their help.