Lastly, that uw0tm8 guy has been trolling this project for months on here and on slack for awhile(elsewhere too maybe?). He brings up decent but clearly obvious and outdated points every now and then, but much of what he says is highly opinionated bs or straight up lies. He's got a hardcore bias against the project for some reason, so don't expect any objective info from him.
Hahah oh the irony.
Somehow none of you fanboys ever adress any of my points. All I get is usually "fud fud fud" or you just wave it away as "obvious and outdated". But you NEVER bring up any valid arguments.
That just goes to show that you are 100% emotionally invested in this coin. Yet Im the one whos biased hahaha
I buy and sell it as needed, how is that being emotionally invested? I care about profit, and about having a gambling network that doesn't kick winners off and/or charge crazy high fees with oftentimes long delays on withdraws...or just straight up run away with users' money(Lock Poker anyone?). When there are issues, I'll speak with my group and we'll write up a solid solution and pass it along to the team, instead of coming on btctalk and crying here for months like you do, like that would ever do anything lol...get real kid. I've made the team aware of plenty of ways they could improve, constructively too, unlike the childish bs you post here lol. Between the immature posts and even the name, it's pretty clear you're nothing more than a troll who's trying to pass themself off as an investor. You said you sold all your token off at over 4k sats (the absolute highest point, and highly unlikely) the total volume for that was very small. So either you lied or you were only ever holding a very tiny amount of tokens.
And then there's the other times you said you sold all off and were out, honestly it seems like you're nothing more than some habitual liar who has little to no money to even invest. Hopefully others can see the lies and lack of experience in your writing, and avoid taking you too seriously lol.
I've posted plenty of constructive and logical ways the team can improve, while you post a stream of total negativity consisting of mostly complete bs and opinions. Yeah that's bias, boy. Especially since you weren't trolling the actual fail coins, so why didn't you warn us about any of the actual failures? Why even waste months trolling this project, lol were you invested in the Imperium failure yourself? Or are you invested on one of these dime-a-dozen prediction markets that have failure written all over them? For real, get a job or some kind of hobby...since this is pretty pathetic lol.
You sound like some broke-ass college kid who had unrealistic expectations about this project and bought in for a hundred bucks or whatever the minimum was, thinking you'd get a 100x return in a week and be hood rich for nothing lol. Once you realized that wasn't how things work, you flipped out in slack and started throwing around a bunch of childish insults and useless opinions. Once nobody took you seriously there, you came here with your shitposting and for the most part it's the same here too.
People are still investing and progress is still being made on the project, funny how you never mention anything about the demo they presented which shows they have much of the work done already. Or about the successful transactions they're made on the wagerr network many weeks ago. Or about the security flaws they found and fixed before testnet is even out. Or the fact they have an experienced company (Darcrus) who are making sure the project gets done right or the team don't get paid from the investor funds. You conveniently leave all of these out, but manage to find time to include your opinions and outright lies.
Yes there's been problems and some negative stuff too, we've already brought it up constructively quite a few weeks ago about their communication issues and we're already seeing actual results with the new updates every few yeah that's definitely old/outdated news. We told them the promo structure from the first bet just won't work, and we offered some working systems. One is a community-driven project being developed right now that will allow us to begin betting in a little as a few weeks, and only at a 1% fee which is about as cheap as it can get anywhere. The community has gotten quite large, and there are some talented people willing to put in the effort to make this happen...that's why I'm saying now that this network is going to be built, no worries on that part.
As far as the exchange issues go, bittrex has allowed gambling coins already...there are some on their list. And waves isn't as terrible as some people make it out to be, daily volume for wgr is nearly 1m tokens a day. Most of the people complaining about waves couldn't even afford near that amount anyway. Yet we're still pushing the team for more options, but we have to do it in constructive ways or it's just a waste of everyone's time. Many exchanges aren't as willing to accept a temporary token, that is the main reason. Once we get to mainnet we can focus on the big exchanges more. Also we have some plans for p2p exchanges and such, because a decentralized project relying entirely on centralized exchanges is just setting itself up for failure.
Lastly, there are some serious investors supporting this project. There are groups of successful sports bettors who are committed to keeping this project funded and making progress. This is why we often see the $ price hold, even when btc and other alts are dipping. The main reason it seems a bit low lately is that the buy-back from the promo mistake hasn't been fully completed yet. The price is artificially low right now, and the smart money is taking advantage of that with buys. Very soon we will have promo bets, community-driven betting, and even testnet slowly approaching. It's really not hard to see which way this token is going over the next few months, and the fud is actually helping the team in their buyback (and the smart investors who are trying to buy cheap) so carry on if ya want...but there really isn't much logic to it unless it is constructive.
Once final thing, this is a network/token adapted for the gambling community...not for the crypto community. It has a use case specifically for gambling and some things simply aren't going to be done in the same way as many of these other coins. It's not a clone of another chain with just a few numbers changed, that must pay off exchanges to host it and keep it alive. Bitcoin managed to survive before exchanges, if people want it then they'll find a way to get it. Wagerr doesn't have to follow the traditional crypto standards, they've already demonstrated that gamblers come first for this project. David has surrounded himself with a group of gamblers with combined experience of hundreds of years in the gambling industry, along with a dev team of proven blockchain experts. They've even done as much as they could to release as much of the non-sensitive code/software as possible, without risking the most sensitive things yet...since the crypto industry is filled with copycats looking to make a quick buck.