Как-то забылось главное ради чего все делалось))) Как получать дивиденты с программы? Нужно вступать в какой-то фонд? Или просто хранить Икономи на ETH кошельке. И когда можно ждать первую порцию дохода?
Уже писали что доходы будут только в 2017 году. так что глобального роста сразу на выходе ждать не стоит
Почему именно доходы? Ведь могут быть и убытки)
Команда вроде опытная поэтому убытки могут быть только в случае форс мажора
Команда опытная? Тогда где их обещанный тестовый контракт? Вообще никакой информации нет.
Проблема не в них. Контракт как скоро так сразу. Там проблемы сети и что такое количество газа сеть тупо не переварит. Не зря Виталик посоветовал перед хардфорком сделать лимит в 500к газа майнерам. Кстати хардфорк Эфира в понедельник
I was away from BTT today. I checked what was going on just now and I'll give a brief overview of today's happening.
First an answers to the question that kind of repeated a few times:
- option to remove eth address on ICO ICONOMI will be deployed tomorrow (Friday). I saw few questions regarding that. Till now, we were doing that manually. From now on, you'll have that option available in UI directly.
If there was anything else important I missed, please readdress, I'll check and answer when I wake up (I'm taking some sleep after hitting submit button).
We announced to have test-it ICN contract up today on mainnet. There was no way do deploy our contract. That's why, there is no test-it ICN contract yet.
This is technical explanation, therefore I would ask all google translate guys (gtgs) and trolls to refrain from commenting.
Gas limit is at 1.5m. Our contract takes ~0.8m gas. Most of blocks are empty, and rarely any block is full or half full.
Obvious question here is "what's the problem then".
As it turns out, the problem is with the ETH network attack which is done in a pretty smart way.
It doesn't cost attacker any ETH, but ti does cause network from effectively mining just a few transactions.
Miners now actually favour mining empty blocks! Funny thing, because they earn fee from mined transactions in mined block. Catch is that they don't know which transaction is which until they process particular transaction. And if they are processing attacker's transaction it can take 4-6s before they process it. That is over 1/3 of block time. Effectively in that time, another miner mining empty pool is more likely to find a block first and take 5 ETH block reward. While miner that accidentally hit on an attacker's transaction lost valuable time and most likely missed the block and full reward or fall out of sync. Ethereum does have orphan blocks, with reward 1/32 (correct me if I'm wrong). Economical logic here is to mine empty blocks or your own transactions only (because you know they are "healthy" - we saw that today too).
With that in mind, we were not able to deploy 800k gas contract onto the mainnet. We got in touch with 2 local mining teams if they could help us and we'll see if we can do something about that tomorrow.
However, even when contract is mined we'll still need to assign ICN tokens in test-it ICN contract to addresses, which might take additional time. In ideal situation that would be ~90 full blocks in a row. Unfortunately situation is not ideal at the moment.
We hope to get test-it ICN contract deployed and addresses assigned asap.
However, seems like hard fork is happening in roughly 80 hours. Release of real ICN tokens with that in mind will for sure happen after hard fork when situation calms down. Absolutely no need to risk few days for no reason. We're together on a long long journey that is just starting.
Patience is virtue.