MICKEY: We are back!?!! How is that possible?
MINNIE: We got a market value now.
]MICKEY: But we always had a value.
MINNIE: Not a Market value.
MICKEY: So what changed?
MINNIE: I guess people started digging.
MICKEY: This is very confusing. I was just getting ready to my debut as Bob!
MINNIE: Life can get very confusing as times .
MICKEY: Are we alive yet?
MINNIE: Not us but the platforms that host us are, and the bidding starts today.
MICKEY: So us here now is some sort of parallel existence in a multiverse ?
MINNIE: More like the very beginning of the metaverse.
MICKEY: How is the metaverse different form the multiverse?
MINNIE: The metaverse requires the unification of the observer as a single entity with multiple identifiers. at least one for each of the universes that are constructing the metaverse.