Then I got a lot of messages like this:
INFO [XX.219.255.127:52108 INC] Tx verification failed
WARNING Failed to validate block 427b1353beb2617fb0b5eb548b5f5740b8d62d5feb68a6f65deb178c5f388cbb: Wrong block version
WARNING [86.134.0.XX:50422 INC] write operation timed out, stopping connection
Maybe some users still using the old wallet and daemon I think, or another reasons for this warnings?
Yep!!! I´ve all new versions, I think (intensecoin v2.1.0.1243 (0.1-gfba89377f))
My guess is the client side software are outdate...
Latest version is 1.2.2... You can get the download here:
1.2.2 is the wallet version...
I´m talking about the daemon (intensecoind.exe)
Using ´help´ command, it returns version v2.1.0.1243 (0.1-gfba89377f). There´s a new one?