And no deposit is credited to the exchange. 11 confirmations. With Id..
Coins on the blockchain will never disappear! I know you mentioned pending TXs in a previous post - did the TXs go through? What is in your transaction tab?
In terms of issues with - we have an open support ticket with them. Nobody's deposits are showing up at the moment. I am sure it's a simple adjustment on the exchange's side. It's the weekend, they are not monitoring their support inbox.
I don't know what the problem is, but it is. I have many different coins and had no such problems with either one.
Roman, the 'Failed' txs are due to trying to spend those canceled funds before they were removed from the mempool. I understand your frustration, believe me we were equally frustrated - unfortunately CryptoNote-based coins have issues with payments while the network is young, and this factoid is not clearly disclosed anywhere. We had to learn the hard way! You have been very patient thus far and I sincerely appreciate that.
Regardless, to resolve your issue: please click File > Reset wallet.
Hmm, incorrect transaction is disappear. But the amount has not changed( Generally okay, will consider those coins lost.
I appreciate your understanding but I am not okay with your coins being lost! Please consider trying a) running reset again, and/or b) delete and re-sync the entire blockchain (all data in %userprofile%\appdata\roaming\intensecoin except *.wallet files). Also consider opening the .wallet file in `simplewallet` (the console/command line application of IntenseCoin) and examining the balance from there, and also running `reset` in simplewallet.