In the signature campaign is still taking?
please PM us your username or email so we can identify which account belongs to you.
This is the only way we can add your free shares :-)
In the signature campaign is still taking?
This projct is interesting especially for Newbies that do not have the mining experience nor equipment.
I also like to join the signature campaign. How can I be added to the list & receive stake?
We have PMed you already, share list has been updated and new users will still receive free shares.
This was our intention, creating a coin which mining concept is also allowing totally new people on the bitcoin community to receive some coins you can work with
But we think that LC is also interestening for older miners/BTC people because they can buy packages. Packages will be affordable and won't be expensive. Also the "community presents" we are going to have after share package purchases will help in bringing more attention to LC.
Payout run finished - May 13, 2016 - May 14, 2016, 10:06:44 AM Payout run finished - May 14, 2016 - May 14, 2016, 10:06:44 AM
Current LC per block per share: 1 Share = 3.88LC (Pool LC value will get updated on the next payout runs, be lucky again some more coins for "old" participants.
***Update on the Wallet***Our new coindev has created the wallet for us. There was some misunderstanding because he created a PoW/PoS coin. He will update the source and wallet and provide them to us.
After the changes are made the 48h testing phase will begin. If the pool/transactions are running smoothly the wallet will get released to the community.
Some people keep asking when homepage is ready. We are working on a wordpress installation which is currently under development. The homepage will be visible on the root of the domain:
www.lutetium.pwThe pool will still be accessible on
We announce 2 more bounties:- Creating of Mac Wallet
- Creating of Linux Wallet
The bounty is: 15 Shares for first Wallet, 10 Shares for 2. Wallet (system: first creater serves first)
Logo contest will be running for 7 more days after wallet creation.
We hope this is helping for makeing the current status more clear