I think that it is worth remembering that supporting individual user needs takes time, and with the price the way it is, there is no way it can justify full-time or even part-time work. If you are not getting a response to a support ticket and it gets closed, it is happening automatically.
In my case the ticket was (likely) closed automatically, but when I re-opened it and asked why it had been closed without reply, I got a response, but the response did not address/resolve my issue.
All of the known issues have been resolved, automated or documented, so the number of support requests has been few and far between, and does not warrant constant attention.
I am missing BTC from when wallets were down and I had an active lease. I assume this is a known issue, but, in my case, it has not been resolved. The error is very clear by simply viewing my lease history and BTC wallet on LeaseRig. Even so, I have provided the details in my support ticket. If they are "few and far between" it should be easier to address them, no?
The reason that a lot of people have not received responses in the IRC is because of one of the following reasons: A questions is never asked or the person only says hi/hello, the person signs out after a few minutes (I hope you are not fishing for food the way you fish for answers, lol), or it may be a fringe question for which nobody has an answer. Other issues are changing user names, trying to get free hashing or support for developing your own pool (which is not even Leaserig's core interest), but if are patient and read through the available material first, then post the question, it will likely get a response.
I have tried at least 3 times over the past 9 days to get ANY response from ANYONE in IRC, and left it open for awhile to come back to nothing each time. Are IRC logs kept / reviewed by AFK admins for #leaserig?
As far as the wallet is concerned, think of the wallet as money (duh) and the time spent hashing while the wallet is down gets aggregated down to something like a bar tab. When the server comes back, the tab is settled. From my experience, there should be no lost income for rig owners, since the wallet is pre-pay anyway, there is no impact outside of new hires, CC payments, and withdraws, which can not be used until the service is restored. An actual person has to reset the server, and since as I said before part-time is not warranted for the frequency or severity, the service level will not be mission critical like when the price justified it.
It seems our experiences differ. I'm only missing like $5 worth of BTC for the (approx.) 2 days of missing payments. I understand the impact price has had on mining and rentals, believe me. I'm looking for any signs of life at LR. If it's not worth the time and return to run the site, I think it should shut down properly, not just be neglected.
Leaserig is a community cooperative of independent operators and is not trying to be amazon. The goal clearly was always for self-sufficient automation, and not to be a burden on its creators, because that same ingenuity and initiative by individuals that turned Leaserig from ideas to blocks of code, would be wasted if they had to stop to answer questions that could otherwise be answered by the knowledge base or are not operationally related. On the flip side of that when there is a wallet issue, trying to do PR by answering wallet issue tickets instead of IT to bring the wallet back online does not fix the issue. If you have an issue or a question, post it publicly for support from the community, and if it is a private matter, do a private message but give miaviator and Leaserig's reputation a break. There are other people here to support you, and if you ask the actual questions in the forum and IRC, you are more likely to get a response.
I agree the time is best spent to just fix the problems. Communication is key to successful PR, however, and lack of communication will cause concern, and questions about the integrity of the site.
P.S. Take this with a grain of salt. Most everyone here has day jobs. Hope this answers all of the public questions that have posted for the past few months.
Done. I know your message wasn't directed at me specifically, but it was therapeutic to type out all those replies.