drop ltc from 64 to 15-20$ and back again on 65
cuz for miners this is good price now. they payback asics for 3 mounts . wat
чyвaки я пpeдлaгaю этoт лaйт cлить дo 15-20 бaкcoв . пoтoм cдeлaть x3 нa нeм и пoмoxaть pyчкaми мaйнepaм чтoбы дaльшe eгo кoпaли и пoддepживaли ceть.
y ниx ceйчac oкyпaeмocть нa acикax этo 3 мecяцa . чe блэт? нe жиpнo бyдeт ? a ecли лaйт oт 60 дo 180$ cтpeльнeт .тo этo чe бyдeт . чтo тpeйдepы лoxи- взгpeли мaйнepoв тyпo . кoтopыe coльют лaйт нa 180 бaкcax. ay ,включaeм мoзг тoвapищи
and i don't think price can even touchs 40$ again because look at the price of BTC. for that low price BTC price should be under 4000$
Noob out of mind that's it, I think he wants to buy ltc at price $15 - $20 so he is trying to dump the price so he posted fud in two languages.
LTC Price could go low but not $40 according to current situation, otherwise if it happens mistakenly then i will invest on Ltc for good profit.