When I run getinfo, I get:
"balance": 276.84027
However, when I run listaccounts, I get:
"": 774.943208
I see a lot of STAKE tx coming in but they don't seem to be affecting my balance. I'm not sure where those coins are exactly. I appreciate any insight you can provide, thanks!
It seems that a lot of coins have broken implementations of the accounting system and give incorrect output with listaccounts. I think it is one of the reasons why it is deprecated in latest bitcoin.
The results from getinfo and getbalance are reliable, use these to see your balance, listaccounts is probably broken in litecoinplus wallet.
[1] https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/6042
[2] https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/63207/unexpected-result-after-calling-rpc-listaccounts-getaccountaddress-getrec/63210#63210
The only strange thing is that I do see stake tx coming in. This tells me that listaccounts is reporting the correct total, while the others are one. I've even noticed getinfo drop in total -- with no outgoing tx. listaccounts is the only one that is accounting for the stake incoming tx.