this devices automaticaly on platform 1, on the platform 0 i have INTEL HD. (Maybe this is somehow connected with this)
what is the output from --list-devices ?
and are you starting it with the options --platform and --device set correctly?
Windows or Linux?
on my Linux box I run 3 separate instances of lolMiner, one for each device (2 x Nividia and 1 x Intel)
1. list device
Auto selecting platform with id 1: NVIDIA CUDA
Auto selecting all gpu in platform.
USING device with 0 (GeForce 1070 ti)
USING device with 1 (GeForce 1070 ti)
USING device with 2 (GeForce 1070)
USING device with 3 (GeForce 1070 ti)
USING device with 4 (GeForce 1070 ti)
USING device with 5 (GeForce 1070 ti)
USING device with 6 (GeForce 1070 ti)
platform and --device set AUTO, and i try :platform 1 , device 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,
Win 10
The output should looks more like this from my laptop which has an on-board Nvidia M1200 and external GTX 1060:
All available OpenCL platforms and devices:
Platform 0: NVIDIA CUDA
Device 0: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB (GPU)
Device 1: Quadro M1200 (GPU)
Platform 1: Intel(R) OpenCL
Device 0: Intel(R) HD Graphics (GPU)
Device 1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz (CPU)
What you have copied looks to be from your attempt to start up lolMiner with no platform or devices set.
Try again, but this time run:
lolMiner-mnx.exe --list-devices