I can get sgminer-5.6.1-nicehash-51-windows-amd64 to work but just gives
[23:44:11] difficulty changed to 0.250
[23:44:32] Rejected ba124b15 Diff 1.376/0.250 GPU 0 (Invalid share)
[23:45:01] Rejected 235f941d Diff 7.237/0.250 GPU 0 (Invalid share)
[23:45:02] Rejected f86701b3 Diff 1.031/0.250 GPU 0 (Invalid share)
The sgminer_build_HMQ1725 from your site wont use the blake2 algorithm at all no matter what I do.. ?
Only the cpuminer-hmq1725-win64 works.. any help getting my RX 580 Mining this.. thanks..
Fixing now

I am new to the blake2s algo and was unsure of a suitable base difficulty, and as such I left it at its default. This would cause to low diff shares for GPU's and anything bigger then a cpu. Give it about 10-20 minutes and please try again

Note during this change pool will be spotty.
As far as I can find there is no available AMD miner for this algo yet. So mining with your RX580 is currently not supported. If you have NVIDIA you should be fine to mine.
I understand and sympathize however as I run 280x's and have run into this same issue.
It might be the miner software because my 1060 doesn't work with sgminer on blake2 ether.. but it does using ccminer. going to try some other miners later. btw isnt decred the same algorithm?